The idea of online business: service records on the car wash city
Sergey Smirnov is an entrepreneur with experience. Since 2002, he has been searching for his place in business, developing and promoting various projects, and in the past, in 2014, he…

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A selection of ideas for earning VKontakte
Classmates is the first ever social network. In fact, it was the first Internet platform for chatting people. Today, a person cannot imagine his life without the so-called “networking”. This…

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What will be relevant?
Every year there are changes in business. Some themes die, some are born, some are modified, opening up from completely different sides. There is nothing strange, everything is natural. Our…

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disease is not excluded.

Business ideas doomed to failure. Investors view.

Business angels and venture capital analysts are simply overwhelmed with countless ideas for business. Undoubtedly, many of them are worthy of attention (statistics say only about 10% of the total volume of business projects), but there are out of the ordinary, stupid and absolutely ridiculous projects that no sensible person can finance.

Venture business has its own characteristics that not all entrepreneurs can understand, who dream to realize themselves in this direction. The industry specialization of the fund in principle makes it impossible to finance certain projects, in addition to everything, they often send really absurd fantasies. Continue reading

Top 10 ridiculous, but very successful business projects

For the most part, business projects do not differ by anything outstanding, repeating standard postulates and calculating already completed options. There are many ways to earn a living, but they usually fit into the standard thinking of the average entrepreneur.

But there are also such business ideas, which are not easy to comprehend, and it’s almost impossible to believe in the demand for such proposals from consumers. The idea of ​​an extraordinary entrepreneur is considered by many to be idiotic, but no matter how you call it, it can bring a solid and even enviable income. Continue reading

Idea from abroad: store expired goods

How often do you buy and eat expired goods? If you live in the CIS, then be sure that such products are in your diet absolutely not intentionally on your part, due to the negligence and enterprise of supermarkets.

Of course, the supermarkets at the interruption assert that all the goods with expired shelf life immediately disappear from the store shelves and are utilized, but life experience shows that these goods leave the shelves only in order to get a new sticker, and with the sticker implementation period. Continue reading

About ideas
Modern business Actual business ideas are constantly expanding space, new perspectives and opportunities for developing their own business arise, but in many respects, success depends on the right foundation of…


Trading in the foreign exchange market as a business
Every day the Forex market attracts an increasing number of people who want, following the example of well-known traders, to quickly start earning large sums by building a successful business.…
