3D printer, or new technologies in the service of people
There is a myth that Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev saw his periodic table of chemical elements in a dream. Chuck Hull, the man who invented 3D printing, also saw his future…

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ESports: big money online
If you believe the statistics, then 44% of all users of the worldwide Internet are constantly playing games. Globally, this figure reaches 1.5 billion (!) People. In addition, statistics say…

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Business ideas with little investment
Many people believe that the advertising business is a business founded solely by the owners of "big money". And the services of advertising companies can be used only by large…

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spoiled due to the fact

Idea from abroad: store expired goods

How often do you buy and eat expired goods? If you live in the CIS, then be sure that such products are in your diet absolutely not intentionally on your part, due to the negligence and enterprise of supermarkets.

Of course, the supermarkets at the interruption assert that all the goods with expired shelf life immediately disappear from the store shelves and are utilized, but life experience shows that these goods leave the shelves only in order to get a new sticker, and with the sticker implementation period. Continue reading

Small Business Ideas for Women
Today, more and more women prefer to become business and active members of society, to realize themselves in an interesting and beloved business. Representatives of the fair sex rarely get…


ESports: big money online
If you believe the statistics, then 44% of all users of the worldwide Internet are constantly playing games. Globally, this figure reaches 1.5 billion (!) People. In addition, statistics say…
