Crazy ideas from overseas that have proven successful.
New startups, not finding a sufficient response from consumers, crumble to dust, without bringing any profit. Unexpectedly, quite absurd ideas develop for everyone, bringing multimillion profits to the organizer. Having…

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Business ideas with small investments
Almost every person experienced a keen desire in his life to try himself in running his own business, but he was afraid to do so because he assumed the need…

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How to start selling auto parts around the world with a capital of $ 7,500
Primary capital of $ 7,500 and capital business - is it compatible? From early childhood, life did not spare Janus Sun, he quickly learned and learned the basic law “if…

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spoiled due to the fact

Idea from abroad: store expired goods

How often do you buy and eat expired goods? If you live in the CIS, then be sure that such products are in your diet absolutely not intentionally on your part, due to the negligence and enterprise of supermarkets.

Of course, the supermarkets at the interruption assert that all the goods with expired shelf life immediately disappear from the store shelves and are utilized, but life experience shows that these goods leave the shelves only in order to get a new sticker, and with the sticker implementation period. Continue reading

3D printer, or new technologies in the service of people
There is a myth that Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev saw his periodic table of chemical elements in a dream. Chuck Hull, the man who invented 3D printing, also saw his future…


Business in your car
Opening your own business, you need to decide on the direction of the future business and carefully consider all possible options for its implementation. There are a lot of variants…
