How to make money on paid surveys on the Internet?
The issue of earnings on the Internet confidently holds the leading position in the ranking of search engines. The Internet continues to amaze with new and unusual types of enrichment,…

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Business over the Internet: Service for renting unnecessary things
Arkady Meshkovsky is a person who invented and implemented the idea of ​​using unnecessary things. For the first time about taking and renting things, he thought while studying at a…

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3D printer, or new technologies in the service of people
There is a myth that Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev saw his periodic table of chemical elements in a dream. Chuck Hull, the man who invented 3D printing, also saw his future…

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then we will assume

3D printer, or new technologies in the service of people

There is a myth that Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev saw his periodic table of chemical elements in a dream.
Chuck Hull, the man who invented 3D printing, also saw his future brainchild in a dream. Of course, such a printer is not a source of eternal youth, but doctors have already come up with a universal use of the printer in the service of society. 3D printers help doctors print bones, teeth, tumors, and sometimes entire organs. Continue reading

Business over the Internet: Service for renting unnecessary things

Arkady Meshkovsky is a person who invented and implemented the idea of ​​using unnecessary things. For the first time about taking and renting things, he thought while studying at a business school.

Who needs “unnecessary” things?

The project was named RENTMANIA, the own savings were spent on the creation and organization of the existing Internet site. Continue reading

About ideas

Modern business Actual business ideas are constantly expanding space, new perspectives and opportunities for developing their own business arise, but in many respects, success depends on the right foundation of business, an effective business idea and the right implementation of it.

In order to find effective and relevant business ideas, it is necessary to gain experience in the conduct of financial affairs and technology implementation, learn how to correctly generate ideas and choose from among them a large mass of really effective and creative ones. Continue reading

Supercar rental business
In Russia it is becoming harder and harder to surprise someone with a rental car. Car rental companies are found in cities with 0.5 million inhabitants. In this kind of…


CPA marketing: 80,000 rubles on its website
Blogger shared a case on making money on CPA-offers using his website. If someone does not know what CPA marketing is, then here is the information from Wikipedia. Cost…
