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Mini business idea

How much joy brings ripe strawberries to children and adults. The demand for this berry is growing rapidly. Accordingly, the price of berries constantly go up. Especially in the autumn-winter period.

If we consider that it is possible to eat fresh strawberries in the middle lane only a month and a half, since it is still cultivated here only in the open field, then mini-business ideas arise about how to extend the period of its fruiting and get a harvest all year round.

“Strawberry business” is just beginning to emerge. One of the directions in the implementation of the idea of ​​a small business is the cultivation of strawberries in greenhouses. This process is more profitable in comparison with cultivation on open ridges.

Since this dependence on weather conditions is zero. This business will not require large initial capital investments. You only need a great desire and hard work.

At the first stage, a barn, a garage or a non-residential room will be suitable for the installation of boxes filled with strawberry bushes. You can use a loggia or a closed balcony. But the most unexpected results can be achieved at cultivation of this garden culture in mini-greenhouses or vegetable greenhouses.

The first expenses will be required when purchasing seedlings. It is cheaper to grow them yourself (if possible). It is better to acquire seedlings in breeding centers, nurseries, etc. Of course, you can take from friends, acquaintances or relatives. But in this case, no one guarantees that you will receive a variety of material, and the possibility of bringing the disease is not excluded. In state nurseries – the material is verified.

To obtain high yields will require fertilizing and chemicals to protect against diseases and pests. This is another item of expenditure.

At the second stage it is desirable to equip the greenhouse. For this it is necessary to make calculations and draw up an expenditure estimate. The finished arch type greenhouse will cost approximately thousands of 25. It is approximately two times cheaper to build it yourself, spending only the purchase of materials.

Here is some evidence that growing strawberries has the right to live.

High prices for products due to the lack of competition almost throughout the year.
Small initial investment.
High profitability. Already after the first harvest, all costs are fully paid off.
Strong demand for strawberries.
Possible year-round output.
In the initial period, there is no interference by officials and tax authorities.
Even approximate economic calculations will show a quick return on investment. With a yield of 15 kg / m², 300 kg of berries can be harvested per season from a total area of ​​20 m². And if you take three harvests per year, you get about a ton. At a price of about 200 rubles per kg, it turns out quite a decent amount. With the money, you can do equipment full greenhouses with automatic irrigation, additional lighting and heating.

Mini business idea
How much joy brings ripe strawberries to children and adults. The demand for this berry is growing rapidly. Accordingly, the price of berries constantly go up. Especially in the autumn-winter…


Examples of small business ideas from America
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