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Business Idea: Handmade Mats

The mat is a very practical floor or wall covering.

Mats people decorated their homes and homes for a long time. Nowadays, starting from the tendencies of creating ethnic interiors with the maximum number of natural decorative elements, mats are more popular than ever, and this applies not only to residential premises, but also the design of cafes and restaurants, summer terraces and playgrounds, country cottages and summer houses.

As a rule, on an industrial scale mats are made from synthetic materials or raw materials that mimic natural yarns. Although such products are cheaper than those made by hand, it differs significantly from the latter for the worse.

To turn the production of mats into a source of income, you need a small start-up capital and simple, inexpensive equipment. And to implement such a business idea under the power of one person.

Raw materials for the production of mats

From what material will be used for weaving mats and which models in the plans to produce, will depend on the technology itself and the size of the initial investment. Mats made of reed, reed, jute and coconut yarn, rice straw are in the greatest demand.

As can be seen from the list, some materials can be harvested and collected independently, others can be purchased from specialized companies or via the Internet.

Reed is perhaps the most affordable material for weaving hard, durable mats. It can be collected almost all year round. In the production are used as the stems with a round cut, and leaves. The most favorable time for cutting the plant is the end of summer. Bundles of reeds are dried in dark places to prevent fading in the sun, then the stems and leaves are sorted by size, getting rid of damaged, excessively dried, rotten parts. Before weaving the reed is soaked in water and stored, wrapped with a wet rag, preventing it from drying out. Due to the elasticity of reeds, mats out of it trudge fast enough.

From the leaves of the agave they get one more raw material suitable for mats – sisal filament. This is one of the most environmentally friendly, durable, waterproof materials. That is why the sisal thread is actively used to create decorative elements. One hank for 50 meters can be purchased for 3.5-4 dollars.

If the mat is supposed to be used as a floor covering in high-traffic areas, then a jute thread is used to make it. The structure of jute fiber is resistant to abrasion and damage. A 60-meter hank will cost 4-4.5 dollars.

Rice straw is a classic base for mats according to Chinese and Japanese traditions. Rice straw is available on sale at a price of $ 3.5 per 50 kg, but this material, brought from abroad, requires careful sorting and contains a lot of spoilage. Although rice straw mats are very beautiful.

Where to get money to start your own business? This problem is faced by 95% of start-up entrepreneurs! In the article “Where to get money for a business,” we revealed the most current ways to get start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in stock exchange earnings: “see the results of the experiment”
In addition, deliveries of reed, coir yarn (coir), bamboo, hemp and other exotic materials of plant origin, which can be used for the production of mats, have recently been adjusted.

The room

The room may be small, but always dry, ventilated, well lit. The rental price will vary by region.

For weaving mats used a simple machine, resembling the weaving of the principle of operation. The design is so light that the equipment can be assembled on its own using schemes posted on the Internet. To speed up the production process and minimize the use of manual labor, it is better to purchase an overlock for covering the edges of the mat. The cost of the latter – from 1000 dollars.

Also for weaving mats suitable home weaving machines, they allow you to make small products, the size of not more than one meter. For larger mats, special equipment is required, its cost starts from $ 1,500. Such machines allow not only to get products of arbitrary size, but also to realize various types of weaving (square, openwork, diamond-shaped, pigtail, rope, etc.)


The most difficult in this business, but solvable, a task – to adjust sale of production. At the first stages it is inappropriate to create your own website and spend money on its promotion.

Firstly, it is expensive – about 600 cu, and secondly, there are no examples of works, thirdly, it takes a lot of time.

More effectively, if you already use the services of the network, then offer your products on forums dedicated to interior design and decor. It is more rational to distribute products for sale to stores specializing in flooring, interior items, household goods.

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