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3D printer, or new technologies in the service of people
There is a myth that Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev saw his periodic table of chemical elements in a dream.
Chuck Hull, the man who invented 3D printing, also saw his future brainchild in a dream. Of course, such a printer is not a source of eternal youth, but doctors have already come up with a universal use of the printer in the service of society. 3D printers help doctors print bones, teeth, tumors, and sometimes entire organs. Continue reading
Crazy ideas from overseas that have proven successful.
New startups, not finding a sufficient response from consumers, crumble to dust, without bringing any profit.
Unexpectedly, quite absurd ideas develop for everyone, bringing multimillion profits to the organizer. Having learned about the projects that were successful and too brave, it remains only to regret that they did not come to our heads. Is it possible to translate these ideas into practice in our country, we will see later. Continue reading
Business ideas website
The desire to organize your own business leads a person to the need to search for suitable ideas. And here it is important to choose an option that will best meet several parameters at once. A business must be profitable, promising and deliver real pleasure from work and moving towards set goals.
But many people simply do not know where they can start the path to the top of their success. Continue reading