Mini business idea
How much joy brings ripe strawberries to children and adults. The demand for this berry is growing rapidly. Accordingly, the price of berries constantly go up. Especially in the autumn-winter…

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Top 10 ridiculous, but very successful business projects
For the most part, business projects do not differ by anything outstanding, repeating standard postulates and calculating already completed options. There are many ways to earn a living, but they…

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Idea for a tutor: learning by Skype
Individual training has long proven its effectiveness for all disciplines. And when studying English, one-on-one work with a tutor is a powerful incentive and guarantee of fast mastering of a…

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intermediary services – his company

How to start selling auto parts around the world with a capital of $ 7,500

Primary capital of $ 7,500 and capital business – is it compatible?

From early childhood, life did not spare Janus Sun, he quickly learned and learned the basic law “if you want to live, count on your own strength.” As a child, he was “lucky” to get sick with polio, as a result of his illness, Janus became almost completely disabled, but thanks to his own persistence and daily training, he learned to re-jump on one leg and then walk. Continue reading

Business over the Internet: Service for renting unnecessary things
Arkady Meshkovsky is a person who invented and implemented the idea of ​​using unnecessary things. For the first time about taking and renting things, he thought while studying at a…


Original ideas for business
Today, the winner is the one who is able to think outside the box, both in life and in business. The most interesting ideas for starting a business can be…
