How to make money on paid surveys on the Internet?
The issue of earnings on the Internet confidently holds the leading position in the ranking of search engines. The Internet continues to amaze with new and unusual types of enrichment,…

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CPA marketing: 80,000 rubles on its website
Blogger shared a case on making money on CPA-offers using his website. If someone does not know what CPA marketing is, then here is the information from Wikipedia. Cost…

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A selection of ideas for earning VKontakte
Classmates is the first ever social network. In fact, it was the first Internet platform for chatting people. Today, a person cannot imagine his life without the so-called “networking”. This…

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American business ideas

American business ideas often seem not very successful, but in reality it turns out that they work and bring quite tangible profits.

One of the most relevant to date ideas that came to us from the New World, is to monitor remote workers. According to statistics, an increasing number of employees are gradually moving from offices to the home environment. Continue reading

Small business ideas from scratch

Continuous cuts in state-owned enterprises force many to look for ways to support their families. More and more people are turning to the idea of ​​creating a small business from scratch. Beekeeping can be one of the areas in which you can apply your strength. In this case, as a seed capital, you can use your small savings.

In recent years, the number of bee colonies and, in general, apiaries, has decreased significantly. Start-up entrepreneurs have something to work on – to fill the Russian market with beekeeping with their own labor, and to ensure a comfortable life for themselves. Continue reading

Idea from abroad: store expired goods

How often do you buy and eat expired goods? If you live in the CIS, then be sure that such products are in your diet absolutely not intentionally on your part, due to the negligence and enterprise of supermarkets.

Of course, the supermarkets at the interruption assert that all the goods with expired shelf life immediately disappear from the store shelves and are utilized, but life experience shows that these goods leave the shelves only in order to get a new sticker, and with the sticker implementation period. Continue reading

Business in your car
Opening your own business, you need to decide on the direction of the future business and carefully consider all possible options for its implementation. There are a lot of variants…


Business ideas without capital
The modern world has put many people in a position where they have to be hired to work for not very pleasant and adequate people, who believe that if they…
