Building Business Ideas
Construction is one of the most profitable branches of business, and therefore people who want to succeed in this direction, every year becomes more and more. But today, the usual…

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"Husband for an hour": business on services
Nowadays, the service, called "husband for an hour", is becoming increasingly popular and widespread. Let's look at it not from the side of the client, but from the side of…

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CPA marketing: 80,000 rubles on its website
Blogger shared a case on making money on CPA-offers using his website. If someone does not know what CPA marketing is, then here is the information from Wikipedia. Cost…

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but do not want

Small Business Ideas for Women
Today, more and more women prefer to become business and active members of society, to realize themselves in an interesting and beloved business. Representatives of the fair sex rarely get…


Crazy ideas from overseas that have proven successful.
New startups, not finding a sufficient response from consumers, crumble to dust, without bringing any profit. Unexpectedly, quite absurd ideas develop for everyone, bringing multimillion profits to the organizer. Having…
