Business on the performance of foreign whims
Yulia Lukoyanova, a graduate of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, a very charming and pleasant girl, opened her own concierge service in Moscow, which fulfills the wishes of…

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Small business ideas from scratch
Continuous cuts in state-owned enterprises force many to look for ways to support their families. More and more people are turning to the idea of ​​creating a small business from…

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Top 10 ridiculous, but very successful business projects
For the most part, business projects do not differ by anything outstanding, repeating standard postulates and calculating already completed options. There are many ways to earn a living, but they…

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based on various associations

Mini business idea

How much joy brings ripe strawberries to children and adults. The demand for this berry is growing rapidly. Accordingly, the price of berries constantly go up. Especially in the autumn-winter period.

If we consider that it is possible to eat fresh strawberries in the middle lane only a month and a half, since it is still cultivated here only in the open field, then mini-business ideas arise about how to extend the period of its fruiting and get a harvest all year round. Continue reading

Small Business Ideas for Women

Today, more and more women prefer to become business and active members of society, to realize themselves in an interesting and beloved business. Representatives of the fair sex rarely get into a big business, but they learn small business with ease, providing themselves and the whole family with a stable profit. Work allows a woman to feel independent, to realize their own interests, which is very important in modern society. Continue reading

About ideas

Modern business Actual business ideas are constantly expanding space, new perspectives and opportunities for developing their own business arise, but in many respects, success depends on the right foundation of business, an effective business idea and the right implementation of it.

In order to find effective and relevant business ideas, it is necessary to gain experience in the conduct of financial affairs and technology implementation, learn how to correctly generate ideas and choose from among them a large mass of really effective and creative ones. Continue reading

How to build a business in the field of flowers. The story of "Bicycle Flower"
An unusual idea helped Sonya Polsky to organize a business, enjoying pleasure and profit from her favorite activity. "Bicycle Flower" is an original and demanded service that helps people give…


About ideas
Modern business Actual business ideas are constantly expanding space, new perspectives and opportunities for developing their own business arise, but in many respects, success depends on the right foundation of…
