Business ideas doomed to failure. Investors view.
Business angels and venture capital analysts are simply overwhelmed with countless ideas for business. Undoubtedly, many of them are worthy of attention (statistics say only about 10% of the total…

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Small Business Ideas for Men
Most men prefer to leave today from the area of ​​subordinate employees in the sphere of their own activities, generating income not just stable, but also several times superior to…

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How to build a business to care for the elderly. The history of the company Right at Home.
In the US, the standard of living allows old people to live a long time, so the average age of a nation is constantly growing, and as a result, the…

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berries can

Business creation ideas

Nowadays, almost everyone thinks that it would be nice to open your own business, which can bring in a small but steady income. Of course, everything here depends on the available material possibilities of a person and his interests, preferences, but it should be started, nevertheless, with the least risky enterprises. Therefore, before proceeding with the implementation of the plan, it is necessary to think through every detail. Continue reading

Mini business idea

How much joy brings ripe strawberries to children and adults. The demand for this berry is growing rapidly. Accordingly, the price of berries constantly go up. Especially in the autumn-winter period.

If we consider that it is possible to eat fresh strawberries in the middle lane only a month and a half, since it is still cultivated here only in the open field, then mini-business ideas arise about how to extend the period of its fruiting and get a harvest all year round. Continue reading

Free business ideas
It is always easier to walk along the beaten track, the main thing is that you know that you are moving in the right direction. It’s the same in business:…


Original ideas for business
Today, the winner is the one who is able to think outside the box, both in life and in business. The most interesting ideas for starting a business can be…
