What will be relevant?
Every year there are changes in business. Some themes die, some are born, some are modified, opening up from completely different sides. There is nothing strange, everything is natural. Our…

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Implemented service: Earnings on independent travelers
Inga Khrushcheva can tell everyone who wants to not only how interesting and budget travel to different countries, but also tells you how to make money on your hobby. Third…

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How to build a business in the field of flowers. The story of "Bicycle Flower"
An unusual idea helped Sonya Polsky to organize a business, enjoying pleasure and profit from her favorite activity. "Bicycle Flower" is an original and demanded service that helps people give…

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specialist in repairing household

Small Business Ideas for Men

Most men prefer to leave today from the area of ​​subordinate employees in the sphere of their own activities, generating income not just stable, but also several times superior to the one that involves working for the head in any organization.

All men go their own way in the implementation of their plans, but it is undeniable that luck accompanies decisive and prudent people who can see the business in perspective and correctly build its strategy. Continue reading

Idea for a tutor: learning by Skype
Individual training has long proven its effectiveness for all disciplines. And when studying English, one-on-one work with a tutor is a powerful incentive and guarantee of fast mastering of a…


Business over the Internet: Service for renting unnecessary things
Arkady Meshkovsky is a person who invented and implemented the idea of ​​using unnecessary things. For the first time about taking and renting things, he thought while studying at a…
